Life, as a journey of embracing change
I think, by this stage of my life, I’ve learned that it’s a journey. Unexpected twists and turns that leave us disoriented and unsure of how to move forward. This creates transitions, and – if our goal is personal growth and empowerment – we need to address these challenging moments! Embrace them as opportunities for profound evolution. What’s first? Recognizing your mindset: is it focused on growth or on being fixed? Here are the differences. A growth mindset… Contrarily, a fixed mindset… If you’re identifying with the fixed mindset, but want to move into growth, it’ll take some effort on your part! It requires accepting that you can’t keep things in your control…which can feel frightening. But, on the other hand, if you let go of carrying that huge weight, it’ll change your life. It’s the only key to personal and professional growth, and it’s what I focus on when I create your life scripts. My top three strategies for moving from fixed into growth mindset: First, reflect on positives. Getting caught up in negative thinking is easy, especially when you’re accustomed to setbacks. Shift your focus from what’s going wrong to what’s going well! Second, ask for support! Self-advocacy isn’t about admitting weakness but about creating solutions, not struggling with challenges. And last, emphasize the steps which lead to the result, not the result itself as the endgame. The trick is to learn how to improve, not achieve. Feeling stuck in the same pattern choices? You might be in a fixed mindset – talk to me to get on the path to change! Book your discovery call today.
Tips for Mastering the mind game
Do you ever feel like sometimes your mind plays tricks on you, makes things harder? You get stuck in a rut of thinking the same negative thoughts over and over…sound familiar? Well, take heart because you’re not alone in this. I see many people come in, stuck in their mental thought patterns, and it’s preventing them (and you!) from living their best life. Your mental health needs training just like your body! And, just like physical training, this takes a proactive approach. Honestly, the best thing you can do for yourself is to engage a one-on-one coach (like me) to define the game, then figure out strategies so you’re winning – in life and in your thought processes. My process is a little different than other coaches, in that I call this your life script. It’s the collection of thoughts in your head which then initiate beliefs and actions, which – unless they’re carefully structured to go after your goals – inhibit your ability to succeed in your career, relationships, and just life in general. I talk about what the life scripts look and sound like here and here, so you can get an inside look. First, we need to address awareness because without it, you’ll simply float along without really knowing what’s going on or why. Once we put words to your thoughts, we can reframe them, and then you will practice to put these new beliefs into place. As you gain new skills through working with me, you’ll gain a new strength over your mind to control where it goes and what it’s telling you. This leads to regulating your thoughts and emotions which then means you are equipped to manage your behaviors – and achieve the outcomes that have been escaping you for so long. Before you reach out, it’s a good idea to start journaling. Stop your thoughts as they’re occurring, then write them down. Make notes of where you are, what you’re feeling, and what you’re doing. This will begin to give you a clearer picture of what your mind is doing. Bring this to me, and we’ll start to unpack and rewrite all of it with positive alternatives that are in line with your goals. You absolutely can reprogram your mind, and I’ll support you every step of the way. Let’s start living your best life today! Book your discovery call with me to get started.
Andrea, what’s this life script thing about?
Great question! It’s a term I coined for what you say to yourself when shit hits the fan. But changing it into positive self-talk that will empower you to reach one very specific goal which ties into several changes. Without your life script, your old, limiting beliefs will likely pull you back to the life you once experienced. After I’ve taken the amazing information you share with me, we’ll do a special session to download this into your mind and align with your intentions. I’ll speak in a comforting, reassuring voice to set the tone and space. Calm, quiet, open, relaxed, with lowered lights and camera shut off (if video). This time is just for you, no distractions, no time limit. I’ll use your first name, but when you record it, speak directly to yourself in first person. The introduction (below) gets you into the right frame of mind. I’ll follow by reading it to you a few times, varying my tone and pace. At the end, I’ll invite you to reflect on the experience. Feel free to close your eyes, let your eyelids get heavy, and take a few deep breaths. In a moment, I’m going to count down from ten to one. When I get to one, you will enter a relaxed state where you feel safe and at peace. You will be open to hearing the life-empowering suggestions we have created that will enable you to achieve your goals and create the results you want. 10…9…8…you’re starting to feel at peace. 7…6…you’re enjoying a relaxed state of mind, ready to hear these powerful ideas so you achieve all your goals. 5…4…even more relaxed. 3…2..more deeply relaxed. And…1. At this point, I move from part one (above) into the life script I’ve developed, reading it aloud as you absorb it. Next month, I’ll share what one actually sounds like. What makes this work so effectively? It’s all your own words, your thoughts – I merely shape them using forward-moving language so it resonates as if you’re speaking to yourself. At the end of the session, you’ll have homework! You need to say it to yourself and record it…ten times. Yes, ten. This is necessary to change your beliefs and bring new ones to a conscious level. It’s powerful! You’ll listen to this recording in the morning when you wake up and in the evening just before bed. Ready to change your life script and go after your goals? Let’s begin.
What do we tell ourselves when things get hard?
Ever have a time when shit hit the fan, and your life stopped dead in its tracks? You didn’t know what to do or where to go next, and your inner self-talk became toxically critical. You might feel stuck in a pattern of failing to succeed, not reaching your goals, and probably very frustrated with your life. If you’re experiencing depression, relationship challenges, or mental and physical health problems, this is for you. How’s this for a kick in the ass: we have an average of 45 thousand thoughts in a day; 95% are repetitive, and a whopping 80% are negative. This is your inner critic, and it hits no matter who you are – a new mom, career professional, young adult, or family caregiver. It can sound reasonable or downright nasty, but don’t let the delivery or tone fool you. Learn how to change what your inner voice says to you. Start paying attention – it might shock you to realize you’re listening to something like these: Science proves that negative thoughts never produce a positive result, but only reinforce the negative belief…translating into negative outcomes. Game over! This is where your transition coach (me) comes in. Do you want to break that cycle, for good? Through neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), I teach you how to shift those into positive statements and transform your life. In essence, it’s how you understand your own mind, specifically how you come to think – and by extension behave – the way you do. I firmly believe you have the answers to your own challenges and problems within yourself! It’s just a matter of drawing that out of you. Through sessions with me, we’ll deep-dive and unveil why you’ve been successful (or unsuccessful) in the past. From there, we will rewrite those mental thoughts into your new life script, empowering you to repeat those successes in other areas of your life. I’m not gonna lie to you: like any new skill or habit you take on, it’ll require effort on your part. Diligently, consistently following the steps plus dedicating yourself to your long-term success. It sounds so basic! But you’re retraining your brain, so your inner dialogue doesn’t limit your ability to see and act on opportunities in front of you. Ready to get started? I am – get on my calendar here.
What is a transition coach anyways?
There are a ton of life coaches, but what do I mean when I call myself a transition coach? Well, first let’s talk about a life coach – this is someone who counsels, encourages, guides each client so you reach your ultimate goals. And yes, this is part of what I do, but I combine this with my mindset coaching to hone in on your existing patterns of thinking. On the other side are better self-confidence and self-awareness, which also transform your relationships and communication skills. The combination doesn’t just clear the way for your goals – it paves a clearly defined path to your goals. Through our sessions, you’ll actively rewire those inner beliefs and break down your mental blocks. As a bonus? It also lowers your stress! Shifting the negative thoughts to positive language (my life scripts) enables you to view the world around you so that you see possibilities again – or for the first time. Now, let’s talk about the other part: what do I mean by transitions? These are the times in life when you hit a wall. Or maybe everything falls apart around you and you don’t know where to go next. Perhaps you’ve lost a career, or someone close to you, or your own identity in caring for someone with physical or mental health challenges. Basically, when life creates a transition from where you were to where you need to go next, but you don’t know where the other side is or how to get through. Major life adjustments that just simply throw you off your center. This is where I come in. During these times, you can develop unhealthy thought patterns which then become actions. Those new actions control your access to success and happiness. So, how do I approach these conundrums? I apply hypno-linguistics – that’s a really big word! It means I use my life scripts to retrain your brain on thinking, believing, and feeling (yep, back to your mindset). You memorize and rehearse a script so that when needed, the words (and actions) come automatically, without hesitation. And if your beliefs dictate thoughts and those then initiate behaviors, by changing the very first link in that chain, you’ll be able to change your actions and step onto the path that leads you to where you decide to go. There’s more…but we’ll tackle that in your sessions!