Resolutions…or life scripts?

As we wrap up 2023 (how did that happen??), most of us reflect and assess. What went well? Whatdo you want to work on? What do you want to be better – or better at – this time next year? Can youeven remember your resolutions from this time last year?Paying attention to your mental health is vital to improving your outlook and enjoyment of life,especially before, during, and after the holidays. If you feel anxious this time of year, perhaps it’s timeto try a proactive approach. Here are two questions to ask yourself, to determine what you want foryourself for this next year: Do I want to be in exactly the same place this time next year, with the same frustrations and anxieties? Or… Do I want more enjoyment and excitement for the holidays – and life in general – next year?I hope you identify with the second one! Because this is a great time of year for beginning to craftyour new life script. I’m a βirm believer that life is about change. It’s when you embrace the change,lean into it, that you build new habits and thought patterns. Those, then, are the blocks which becomeyour new foundation so you begin to see success personally, relationally, professionally, on everylevel. When you see yourself succeeding, your confidence will grow, and you’ll derive moresatisfaction from your life. That’s what I’m about. Instead of resolutions – which statistics show that 55% are dropped in less than half a year – howabout changing it up and doing something that will last? It’ll set you on a path to being a better YOU.Resolutions can make you feel like a failure, when you get off-track. A life script, on the other hand, isdesigned to set you up for success with a plan. With this in hand, you’ll see results in 90 days because I use 30-day goals to create momentum.Partnering up with an expert like me is the driving force you need, giving you a team and a cheerleaderand a coach in your corner. If you could do it by yourself, you likely would have by now. But let’s notenter a brand-new year with the same frustrations. Look back through other blogs like as well because there are some good tips for surviving and thrivingduring the holidays. Would you like to plan ahead? Let’s look at getting you set up for your January 2024 discovery call.

How to create a healthy holiday mindset

Okay, we all know the holidays bring up a lot of emotions. For some of us, those emotions are positive;  for others, they might carry anxieties or dread. They can even be a mixture – this is completely  normal. Take a moment and assess what feelings come up for you. Name them, and write them down.  I’ll wait…got it? Let’s talk about what you wrote down now.  Regardless of what you wrote down, the number one most imperative piece of advice I can give you  is this:  Focus on being present, not dwelling in the past. Your mind game is key, here.  Not just the presents, but paying attention and putting your efforts and energies into what is  happening. Right now, in front of you. Engage in the meaningful moments, and savor the connections  with those you hold dear! This is what we mean by holiday spirit, after all.  But this could also be the ϐirst holiday season you’re experiencing after losing someone close to you.  Or maybe the holidays simply do not feel the same, even though it’s been a few years, or a decade.  Breathe, and still write down the emotions that well up inside.  The reality is that, when someone passes, we tend to wish we had just one more… Fill-in-the-blank  with whatever event or interaction was most meaningful to you with that person. To heal from this,  start to create memories based around things that go beyond tangible purchases. Bake the damn  cookies, if it reminds you of Grandma! Forget that to-do list.  But take that focus on being present further. Be present for yourself – if it’s new traditions, new foods,  new experiences, new holiday companions. Remember the things that are important to you, the  actions that make you feel fulϐilled and celebratory.  I always say life is about change, and then the question is how you navigate those changes as the  footprint of your life shifts from year to year. It’s okay for this to happen – and it’s even healthy! These  are the transitions I specialize in, with my coaching practice.  Make sure you remember to set boundaries for yourself during this time. And contact your life coach  to begin to develop a new and better you. Let’s start to set yourself up for greater success next year  by planning ahead.



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