Wintering Down

After – or in spite of! – the bustle of the holiday season, perhaps in the midst of the after-glow, you  feel a call to something quieter. Something more individual. I’ve written about holiday mindsets, and  now I’ll talk about a favorite concept and topic of mine, especially this time of year: wintering down.   It hearkens back to when we celebrated the winter solstice on December 21, the shortest day of the  year. Brigit Anna McNeill talks about how, in ancient times, an understanding of a period of descent.  Of rest and rejuvenation, of going within our homes, within ourselves. We would eagerly take all we’ve  been through, all that passed, during the year which is now coming to a close, and reflect.  Nature and the animal kingdom wisely recede into hibernation, vital for tired limbs and minds. This  prepares them to re-emerge in spring, revitalized with new growth. When humans wintered down,  we would similarly give our burdened minds a break. Modern culture teaches avoidance during this  time – of vices we cling to for our comfort. Alcohol, lights, shopping, overworking, consumerism. Still,  there’s a natural pull, an urge to go inwards, in response to the bitter weather.   As our twenty-first century holiday hustle and bustle fades, winter presents us with the perfect  opportunity to rest and withdraw into McNeill’s womb-like love. This brings fire and light to our  inward hearth. Or, as she says here, do you find this a “scary thing indeed, fearing the unmet emotions  and past events”?  Some can feel winter is hard, lonely, isolating without burning fires or big, festive families. Whereas  winter actually intends the opposite: pointing us in a kind, quiet, soft way toward our inner selves.  Let yourself be gently steered toward an annual time of peace and reflection, encouraged to embrace  the darkness. And, as we do, we accept and lovingly bid farewell to the past year.  But then, just like a seed planted deep in the earth, we rise with dawning of the new year. We should  awaken, reinvigorated with energy to once again dance in the sunlight as the days lengthen and warm  up. Prepared to create new habits, goals, and successes.  Make sure to download your 30-day self-discovery challenge for the new year! Life is to be treasured – wishing a happy post-holiday wintering down period to you all, Andrea



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