How to set boundaries with family during the Holidays

Sometimes family – though well-meaning – aren’t the people who provide the most or best support.

Sometimes family are the people you need to place boundaries around for your own mental health.

This is completely valid and okay! Especially during the holidays (make sure to check out my

Mental Health & Self-Care During the Holidays thoughts).

So, if you’re one of these people, what do you then do about spending time with your family during

the holidays? First, you need to set boundaries. I know, this sounds super easy, but how do you do it?

Take breaks! Family interactions can quickly become overwhelming, and giving yourself permission

to take breaks is key. Go for a walk, Mind a quiet place to recharge. Articulate your boundaries to your

family so they know what you are and are not comfortable with. Check out The Book of Boundaries

by Melissa Urban for good tips, scripts, and insight on this.

Focus on positive interactions – seek them out, and spend time with those who are of the same mind.

Create a support system to surround you. This can include friends, groups, or a life coach (like me!),

and also set realistic expectations. Your family will not change overnight, or during one holiday

season. You can avoid disappointment or frustration by better managing your intentions and


Engage in activities you enjoy – reading, listening to your favorite music, engaging in a hobby, and

overall prioritizing activities that nourish your wellbeing. If family traditions contribute to your

stress, then create your own new ones. Whether a solo activity or something you do with friends who

feel like family, making fresh memories can transform the holiday for you. And also – this is important

– learn to say no. It’s completely okay to decline invitations or requests you’re uncomfortable with.

It’s a form of self-advocacy which protects your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Lastly, reMlect on the holidays afterward. What went well, and what could use improvement? Use this

information to reMine your self-care strategies for future occasions – my life scripts are ideal for these

scenarios, even after the fact.

Self-care is a continuous process, and it’s healthy to prioritize your own wellbeing during challenging

family dynamics.

Would you like to go deeper? I have time on my calendar for your discovery call to get started.

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