Story of Andrea

I’ve found in life that my biggest obstacles have become my greatest gifts.

Together, we can work through your challenges and discover new paths to healing and growth.


From my experience to yours.

Hey there, I’m Andrea, a holistic life coach and an expert in supporting family caregivers who feel overwhelmed by major life changes. If you’re in the thick of it, caring for a loved one, and struggling to keep it together amidst the emotional stress, you’re in the right place. I’ve walked
this path too, juggling the demands of caregiving while trying not to lose myself in the process.

I’ve been a caregiver since I was 17, both personally and professionally, and have worked in the healthcare setting for 20 years. I know what’s needed to support you through these challenging times.

Whether you’re caring for a child, spouse, or aging parent, I get the unique challenges you face. My mission is to guide you through this tough journey, helping you maintain your sanity and reclaim your life.

We’ll work together to navigate the emotional rollercoaster and create practical strategies to handle the daily caregiving challenges. It’s all about transforming your mindset, finding your resilience, and thriving even amidst the chaos.

So, how did I become an expert in supporting family caregivers? Let’s dive in and find out.

I call myself a transition coach because I connect with and guide those of you who are going through major life adjustments.

All of this came from my own experiences, and I want you to know I didn’t know what I would do next either. And I became a private
coach because agencies prevented me from opening up in this way.

My late husband – I met him when I was 16, was married for nearly 30 years, he struggled with undiagnosed mental illness. Looking back, I see the signs much younger, but at the time I interpreted them as being wild and free. We divorced, and then he eventually died by suicide. In the span of about six weeks, On top of that, I lost three people close to me, after taking care of them in hospice. I buried a child. All of these things made me face transitions and adjust by using new tools (you can read about my
strategies on my blog).

Through all of this, I figured out that I originally lost myself at a young age, being the primary caretaker for my brothers and everyone else in my family. I felt like I had to be this person to everyone.

You can read about that here. Therapy did some good…but didn’t

I call myself a transition coach because I connect with and guide those of you who are going through major life adjustments.

All of this came from my own experiences, and I want you to know I didn’t know what I would do next either. And I became a private
coach because agencies prevented me from opening up in this way.

My late husband – I met him when I was 16, was married for nearly 30 years, he struggled with undiagnosed mental illness. Looking back, I see the signs much younger, but at the time I interpreted them as being wild and free. We divorced, and then he eventually died by suicide. In the span of about six weeks, On top of that, I lost three people close to me, after taking care of them in hospice. I buried a child. All of these things made me face transitions and adjust by using new tools (you can read about my
strategies on my blog).

Through all of this, I figured out that I originally lost myself at a young age, being the primary caretaker for my brothers and everyone else in my family. I felt like I had to be this person to everyone.

You can read about that here. Therapy did some good…but didn’t

Why not get started?

My Transition

Moving from New York to North Carolina put me on a new path, because I had to start over.

At this point, I recognized these things weren’t coincidences, but it was traumatic. This was my moment of epiphany: I can do nothing to fix this person, and had to change my perspective to being a supporter.

There were two choices in front of me: I could run away, or I could be the person I am. So, I began to make changes, one of those being taking courses to becoming a coach, and also seeking out the support I needed. Like the mom I am, I knew I needed this for me but also for my kids. I started over at zero.

Throwing myself into coaching certifications, I told myself I knew I would get out of that, but I wanted to benefit the person behind me. Carving the path to make it to the other side, and then throwing a rope back. I’m thankful for my life so I can provide others with the lives they’ve only dreamed of. These major moments in my life shaped me, but also gave me the tools to enable others to get through similar transitions.

My blog gets into these stories in depth, along with some of the strategies I teach in your sessions. This style of coaching is for you if you’re lost, or navigating enormous life transitions, or existing in the chaos of supporting others. You’re in the right place because I got you, and I have the right tools.

It's time to find yourself. Let me help you.



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