Ever have a time when shit hit the fan, and your life stopped dead in its tracks? You didn’t know what to do or where to go next, and your inner self-talk became toxically critical. You might feel stuck in a pattern of failing to succeed, not reaching your goals, and probably very frustrated with your life. If you’re experiencing depression, relationship challenges, or mental and physical health problems, this is for you.
How’s this for a kick in the ass: we have an average of 45 thousand thoughts in a day; 95% are repetitive, and a whopping 80% are negative. This is your inner critic, and it hits no matter who you are – a new mom, career professional, young adult, or family caregiver.
It can sound reasonable or downright nasty, but don’t let the delivery or tone fool you. Learn how to change what your inner voice says to you. Start paying attention – it might shock you to realize you’re listening to something like these:
- I don’t deserve this
- I’m not good enough
- I’ll probably fail so I shouldn’t even try
- I’ll never achieve [fill in the blank] goal.
Science proves that negative thoughts never produce a positive result, but only reinforce the negative belief…translating into negative outcomes. Game over!
This is where your transition coach (me) comes in. Do you want to break that cycle, for good? Through neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), I teach you how to shift those into positive statements and transform your life. In essence, it’s how you understand your own mind, specifically how you come to think – and by extension behave – the way you do.
I firmly believe you have the answers to your own challenges and problems within yourself! It’s just a matter of drawing that out of you. Through sessions with me, we’ll deep-dive and unveil why you’ve been successful (or unsuccessful) in the past. From there, we will rewrite those mental thoughts into your new life script, empowering you to repeat those successes in other areas of your life.
I’m not gonna lie to you: like any new skill or habit you take on, it’ll require effort on your part. Diligently, consistently following the steps plus dedicating yourself to your long-term success. It sounds so basic! But you’re retraining your brain, so your inner dialogue doesn’t limit your ability to see and act on opportunities in front of you.
Ready to get started? I am – get on my calendar here.