What is a transition coach anyways?

There are a ton of life coaches, but what do I mean when I call myself a transition coach?

Well, first let’s talk about a life coach – this is someone who counsels, encourages, guides each client so you reach your ultimate goals. And yes, this is part of what I do, but I combine this with my mindset coaching to hone in on your existing patterns of thinking.

On the other side are better self-confidence and self-awareness, which also transform your relationships and communication skills. The combination doesn’t just clear the way for your goals – it paves a clearly defined path to your goals. Through our sessions, you’ll actively rewire those inner beliefs and break down your mental blocks.

As a bonus? It also lowers your stress! Shifting the negative thoughts to positive language (my life scripts) enables you to view the world around you so that you see possibilities again – or for the first time.

Now, let’s talk about the other part: what do I mean by transitions? These are the times in life when you hit a wall. Or maybe everything falls apart around you and you don’t know where to go next.

Perhaps you’ve lost a career, or someone close to you, or your own identity in caring for someone with physical or mental health challenges. Basically, when life creates a transition from where you were to where you need to go next, but you don’t know where the other side is or how to get through. Major life adjustments that just simply throw you off your center.

This is where I come in. During these times, you can develop unhealthy thought patterns which then become actions. Those new actions control your access to success and happiness. So, how do I approach these conundrums? I apply hypno-linguistics – that’s a really big word! It means I use my life scripts to retrain your brain on thinking, believing, and feeling (yep, back to your mindset). You memorize and rehearse a script so that when needed, the words (and actions) come automatically, without hesitation. And if your beliefs dictate thoughts and those then initiate behaviors, by changing the very first link in that chain, you’ll be able to change your actions and step onto the path that leads you to where you decide to go.

There’s more…but we’ll tackle that in your sessions!

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